COVID-19 and Learning Loss

Parents can support their child’s learning to prevent additional learning loss due to stay-at-home orders.

Every year, parents and teachers talk about the learning loss that occurs over the long summer break. Many teachers spend the first weeks of a new school year reviewing concepts to make up for the “summer slide.” This year’s learning loss may be more drastic because of the students’ absence from their schools for an extended period of time. How can educators and parents lessen the impact of extended stay-at-home orders on student growth?  

  • Focus on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)  Students will learn best when they feel safe, heard, and valued. Parents and educators should check in with their student regularly to assess needs and address potential issues.
  • Work Together as a Learning Community  Educators, parents, students, and community members need to work together to provide quality educational experiences and a supportive environment for learning.
  • Provide Rigorous Materials for Learning  Students need quality core, supplemental, and intervention programs for instruction that will support their learning while at school and at home.
  • Develop Effective Assessments  Formative assessments should be used to obtain data that will inform instruction. Students should have many opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and receive feedback on their progress.
  • Use Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles  Programs must be designed to give students multiple ways of engaging with the concepts and expressing their understanding.

How is learning loss being addressed in your community? We would love to hear about those success stories!

To learn more about CSA Education’s services, please email us at We would be thrilled to talk with you about your needs!