April 19, 2022 (rev)
Your digital lessons have become an essential part of education. Right now, more students are reaching for laptops than they are for textbooks. In attempting to provide additional interactive elements beyond flipping a page, more publishers are exploring engaging and memorable ways to enhance their programs. Gamification keeps students invested in lessons and presents more subject matter through videos or podcasts, giving students more interesting options to explore. Digital lessons allow students to work at their own pace and receive immediate feedback that is targeted, helpful, and positive.
While handling digital learning can be daunting, CSA Education has the experience to help your curricula provide essential and engaging lessons. Whether creating supplemental learning in a game format or developing interactives that complement traditional classroom learning, we have a full-service production team ready to ensure that your digital curricula are the ones teachers continue to rely on.
If you’re interested and would like to learn more about the team at CSA Education, please contact Ingrid Benson at ib*****@cs****.com.