Phonics Instruction Is the Key to Reading Success

November 9, 2022 (rev)

In education, the spotlight that shines on phonics comes and goes. Though the practice of connecting letters and sounds is the basic foundation of reading, its importance is often overlooked. A couple years ago, the spotlight was shining brightly on phonics, so much so that publishers and developers started to evaluate their ELA offerings to ensure their curricula incorporated phonics. A recent article in The New York Times noted that the switch to phonics and other evidence-based literacy methods are starting to pay off in improved scores.

Along with working on foundation skills, CSA Education was built on a strong phonics foundation that continues with our current projects. Our core team of ELA staff and contractors have expertise through hands-on classroom experience and years of curriculum development. To learn more about our ELA and Curriculum Development services, reach out to Ingrid at ib*****@cs****.com.

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