Meet the CSA Team: Andrea Stefanowicz

portrait of andrea stefanowicz

Interviewer: What is your name?

Andrea: Andrea Stefanowicz

Interviewer: What is your position at CSA?

Andrea: Project Manager

Interviewer: What does that position entail?

Andrea: As a Project Manager, I make sure all the pieces of a project meet the required schedule and budget expectations. I work with internal staff and clients to ensure material is where it needs to be when it needs to be there and that everyone is happy.

Interviewer: How did you become a part of CSA?

Andrea: I had recently resigned from a company I had worked at for over 15 years and was casually searching for a new job when a former colleague reached out to let me know that CSA was hiring. It sounded like a great opportunity and a great company, so I contacted the folks at CSA, and the rest is history. This is a perfect example of why you never burn bridges and always stay in touch with people in this industry; connections are everything!

Interviewer: What is the best part of your job?

Andrea: I like knowing that I’m making a difference in education, even though it’s not as a teacher, which I definitely wouldn’t have the patience for. I love seeing the materials my sons use in school and knowing that I’m in a career that makes those materials possible.

Interviewer: What do you wish people knew about your work at CSA?

Andrea: Behind every individual employee is a team working together effortlessly to get the best possible product out to their customers. Everyone takes pride in their work and does what is needed to make the miracles of publishing happen. Creating educational materials can be just as demanding with high-stress moments and long hours as actually teaching the material we help create.

Interviewer: What do you wish schools focused on more in terms of education and why? 

Andrea: I think it would be great if there were mandatory classes for high school seniors that focused on real-life banking skills, such as how to apply for/manage a loan or a mortgage or how to manage a checking account or budget for a large purchase in the future. Things that any kid, regardless of going to college, trade school, or straight into a job would need to know. When I was a senior, based on my grades, I was recommended to take an AP Econ class that revolved around reading articles and writing assignments. Instead, I opted for the general Econ class where we learned about loans, savings/checking accounts, buying a house, etc. The information I learned in that class has helped me much more in the long run than the AP class ever would have.

Interviewer: What are three interesting facts about you?

Andrea: I love camping with my family. I collect shot glasses from places my family and I have visited. I also collect anything to do with dolphins; I love the beach and have always been obsessed with dolphins.

Click here to learn more about Andrea!

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